Randy Gener as of Feb. 10, 2014

Randy Gener as of Feb. 10, 2014

Contributions still welcome

Veteran ATCA member Randy Gener continues to improve as he recovers from severe head injuries suffered in a street attack Jan. 17 near his Manhattan home. He successfully has completed his second surgery, in which a synthetic plate was placed where a portion of his skull used to be. He’s scheduled to move to a neuro/cognitive rehab facility this week where doctors believe he will spend at least six months and possibly up to a year. He is eating well and all physical function has returned except for some hearing loss in his right ear which doctors hope will return with time. Randy’s husband, Steve Nisbet, says “He is alive and improving daily. Once Randy is comfortably ensconced in his rehab, doctors say he will be allowed visitors!”

To pay for the neuro rehab, family and friends are continuing to collect contributions www.youcaring/randygener.com. As of Feb. 10, over $65,000 had been raised towards a goal of $85,000. We are very proud that so many ATCA and IATC colleagues have contributed to date.

— Jonathan Abarbanel, ATCA chair

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