Beijing World Congress

Beijing World Congress

At the 37th World Congress of the International Association of Theatre Critics, meeting in Beijing, China, Oct. 15-20, ATCA was represented by three chairs: Jonathan Abarbanel (ATCA excom), Jay Handelman  (Foundation ATCA) and Jeffrey Eric Jenkins (ATCA International Committee). For the congress symposium on “A New World: The Profession of Criticism in the Internet Era,” Abarbanel delivered a paper entitled, “Tweet this: We’re not in charge anymore.”

The IATC’s fifth Thalia Prize  for critical writing (previous winners: Eric Bentley, Richard Schechner, Jean-Pierre Sarrazac and Kapila Vatsyayan) was presented to Eugenio Barba (pictured at right) an early colleague of Grotowski who founded the Odin Theatret in Denmark. Read more about Barba here.

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