AICT-IATC President Jenkins and General Secretary Tvaltchrelidze on free expression and authoritarian governance
The International Association of Theatre Critics issued a condemnation of the Russian judicary’s publishment of two theater artists, playwright Svetlana Petriychuk and director Yevgenia Berkovich for the play Finist the Brave Falcon. The Executive Committee of IATC voted to issue the following statement (also posted on the AICT-IATC website) at its December 7, 2024 meeting.
International Association of Theatre Critics
At this moment, when free expression and the rules for democratic governance are under global threat, the International Association of Theatre Critics is gravely concerned about governmental actions meant to silence oppressed people.
The punishment of playwright Svetlana Petriychuk and director Yevgenia Berkovich, the women behind Finist, the Brave Falcon, is a stark reminder of grave injustices perpetuated by the Russian judiciary. This case epitomizes the suppression of free expression and the chilling effects of authoritarian governance.
The harsh sentences handed down not only undermine the principles of justice but also reveal a systemic disregard for human rights. Petriychuk and Berkovich have dared to challenge the status quo through their art and activism, using creativity to address pressing societal issues. Their work, recognized with the prestigious Golden Mask Prize for excellence, should be celebrated, not punished. Instead, they face punitive measures designed to silence dissent.
This case should serve as a clarion call to the international community. Free expression is under threat worldwide, and this ongoing judicial appeal in Russia underscores the urgent need for solidarity against weaponizing legal systems to intimidate, silence, and penalize those who strive for truth and justice through artistic means. We, the International Association of Theatre Critics, unequivocally condemn these actions and demand accountability from those who seek to stifle voices of dissent in art.
Moreover, we call for greater freedom of expression for artists and activists everywhere, as it is essential for a vibrant, democratic global citizenry. Only through collective action can we foster a future where creativity and freedom flourish, rather than face retribution.
This statement is issued by vote of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Theatre Critics, at its meeting on 7 December 2024.
Jeffrey Eric Jenkins
President, AICT/IATC
Natalia Tvaltchrelidze
General Secretary, AICT/IATC

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