ATCA/NY conference jam packed with substance and frivolity
WHAT A SWELL PARTY IT WAS! Last weekend’s ATCA/NY conference (Oct. 28-30) was chock-full of enlightening, lively panel discussions, a tour of The Players, and other special events. (Scroll down our home page to find the dauntingly full schedule.)

Organizer Supreme Sherry Eaker writes to thank all who attended (probably all still recovering from all the running around, in addition to going to the theatre every night, but who said a theater critic’s life was easy? — OK, we exaggerate), with “a special thank you to those who’ve written me such lovely and appreciative notes.”
The most festive event, as always, since the N.Y. meeting’s inception c.1980, was ATCA’s traditional Brunch (now Luncheon) with the Stars, Saturday noon at Sardi’s. Here are some pictures, evidence that the special attraction this year was a number of women directors, a far cry from the years not so long ago when a Susan Schulman, Susan Stroman or even Kathleen Marshall would feel like a solo act.
(All pictures are courtesy of Evan Seplow/
Alan Smason (New Orleans) and Linda Sherbet (Atlanta) with Christopher Hampton and his partner Tianna. Director Diane Paulus (“Waitress”) and Howie Shapiro. Director Josie Rourke (“Liaisons Dangereuses”) with ATCA chair Bill Hirschman Mandy Gonzalez (“Hamilton”) with Jonathan Mandell
Soon we hope to have links here to videos of the panels as well as to columns and articles by ATCA members. You can also check the ATCA FB page.
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