Member Milestones

Member Milestones | Kuchwara Fark Hook

  Michael Kuchwara, since 1984 drama critic for the AP and thus the most widely disseminated in the U.S., died May 22, age 63. He was an even-handed, well-informed, enthusiastic critic who did the profession proud. Only a sporadic member of ATCA, he...

Milestones | Gener Levitt Jenkins Christiansen and others

(Feb 1, 2011) Randy Gener, Senior Editor of American Theatre magazine, has garnered a bunch of prestigious awards lately.  When he says he’s been busy trying to make a difference, he’s telling the truth: the Philippine government awarded Gener the 2010 “Pamana ng Pilpino” Presidential...

Milestones | King Orel Denton and others

  Long time ATCA member Robert L. King, contributing editor in drama criticism to The North American Review since 1993, and professor of English at Elms College, Massachusetts, saw publication of The Ethos of Drama:  Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth (Catholic University Press) in May 2010.  The book...