Excom works all day; ‘Modern Terrorism’ at night
Wednesday evening, July 17
The ATCA executive committee put in a long day on reports, discussion and debate, as these snapshots testify. The results will show up at membership meetings the next few days.
But tonight, the conference proper began with a welcoming dinner at Byrd Hall, Shepherd University, with remarks especially by Suzanne Shipley, president of Shepherd University, and Ed Herendeen of CATF. Then came a production of Modern Terrorism, or They Who Want to Kill Us and How We Learn to Love Them by Jon Kern, directed by Ed Herendeen, featuring Mahira Kakkar, Omar Maskati, Kohler McKenzie and Royce Johnson. A lively audience discussion followed. Check your local media outlet for a review. (And if your local critic wasn’t here to review it, why not?)

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