Happy Birthday, Clara!
Clara Hieronymus turns 100 today

July 25, 2013 — A founder of the American Theatre Critics Association, Clara was one of the legendary crew who gathered in 1974 beneath a spreading Copper Beech tree at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center. You will find her recollections in an interview by Damien Jaques in Under the Copper Beech, our book of interviews with those who created ATCA (copies available here). Clara was theatre critic for The Tennessean for 40 years and served ATCA as chair (1981-84) and executive secretary (1984-2001).
“Her embrace always was warm and genuine, her voice rarely rose above a genteel southern murmur and her barbs—when she chose to throw one—were sharp and usually droll. Clara is also part of a distinguished Tennessee family long in the forefront in the struggle for racial equality and social justice. ATCA and those of us who have had the great privilege to know her send our love, our high regards and our best wishes.” – Jonathan Abarbanel
Clara’s Nashville colleague, Evans Donnell, has written a more detailed birthday celebration (read it here). For those who wish to send congratulations, her address is 50 Spring St., Savannah, TN 38372.
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