
International Affiliation

ATCA is the official United States section of the International Association of Theatre Critics/Association internationale des critiques de théâtre (AICT-IATC). AICT-IATC is a worldwide organization of which all dues-paying ATCA members are members. Founded in Paris in 1956, AICT-IATC is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization under statute B of UNESCO. AICT-IATC holds world congresses every two years and seminars for new critics twice a year. It also conducts symposia and contributes to professional juries. English and French are the association’s official languages, and its place of incorporation is Paris.


To read recent news from the United States section of the AICT-IATC, see ATCA International.

Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques, the journal of AICT-IATC, is available online to the reader without financial, legal, or technical barriers. It is a peer-reviewed journal fully committed to the Open Access Initiative. It offers a platform for debate and exploration of a wide range of theater and performance art manifestations from all over the world. The aim is to make readers feel that Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques is their “local” journal with a global reach.


All dues-paying members of ATCA will receive a membership card, good for two-year terms, which may ease press access to foreign theaters (as well as museums) — although normal American press credentials will certainly do as much. ATCA members may send inquiries about their AICT-IATC cards to the ATCA treasurer.


Seminars and Symposia

Seminars for young critics, generally defined as those 35 and under, and symposia for more experienced critics, are generally five days to a week long and are conducted in both English and French, although knowledge of one language or the other is sufficient. Local expenses (registration, housing, theater tickets, transportation and most meals) are borne by the organizers, but participants have to pay for their own travel to and from the host city.


Seminars and symposia are often announced with only a few months leeway, so those interested check the AICT-IATC website. The AICT-IATC application available there requires a short CV, several examples of work (published or otherwise) and the recommendation of your “national section,” i.e. ATCA. Membership in ATCA is a prerequisite to apply. For the necessary recommendation, contact the ATCA International Committee chair or current ATCA chair.


If you would like to be considered for a Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association travel grant in conjunction with your AICT-IATC seminar application, fill out a Grant Request form. Grant requests are considered twice annually by the Foundation board. Subsidy is not guaranteed. Applications must be received one month prior to each meeting, which are generally held in February and May. Grant recipients will be notified of their acceptance and the terms of grant. For more current information, contact Foundation President Jay Handelman

More info:

ATCA International Contacts

Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, IATC president,

Amanda Finn, chair ATCA International Committee

Get in touch with us!

For general information contact:

American Theatre Critics/Journalists Association
217 West 18th Street - #68
New York, NY 10113-9602