Some reviews and commentary on the Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Some ATCA members have sent links to what they’ve written about the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, based on the ATCA annual conference, July 6-10.

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Christopher Rawson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 31: “The Big Bard Fest in the West is more than just Shakespeare”
Joe and Ann Lemons Pollack, St. Louis Eats and Drinks with Joe and Ann Pollack: OSF Anne Siegel, Total Theater: Julius Caesar and Ghost Light
Misha Berson, Seattle Times, July 10: “Show Goes on at Ashland Festival”; SFGate, July 19: “Ghost Light”; Seattle Times, July 30: “5 plays at Oregon Shakespeare Festival: a critic’s take”
Herb Simpson, Total Theater: OSF
Jim Volz, Internet Shakespeare Editions Performance Chronicle, July 20, “Julius Caesar: Oregon Beams with Surprise, Revives Rep with Style, Tries Patience with Panache and Delivers on Death & Drama”; July 22, “Vibrant Love’s Labor’s Lost Adds Vivid Colors to Glorious Oregon Setting and Dazzling Night Skies.”
Jonathan Abarbanel, WBEZ91.5: July 6, Doing Easy Time in Ashland, OR; July 12, “A new national theater, with help from Chicago”
Jonathan Mandell, The Faster Times, July 17: “Harry Potter and All’s Well That End’s Well: Life-changing or Gibberish?”

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