atcaoh2018 Tag

Hotel deadline for ATCA-OH18

The hotel discount for those wanting weekend accommodations for the upcoming Cincinnati event will expire Feb. 9: $119 per night including breakfast buffet at SpringHill Suites Midtown Cincinnati, close to all activities. Click here for reservation and click here to register to ATCA-OH18. ...

A new ATCA program: ATCA-OH18

We’re thrilled to invite ATCA members and their guests to a regional ATCA weekend in Cincinnati, March 10 (or 9-11). Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park It is designed to offer a more intimate and immersive experience than the national conferences, with a lesser cost, travel, and time commitment. It...

‘Regional Saturday Conference’ to debut in Cincinnati, March 10, 2018

In its continuing effort to create vibrant programming beyond its outstanding national conferences, ATCA is happy to announce its first Regional Saturday Conference in Cincinnati on March 10, with optional bookend theatre opportunities on March 9 and 11, 2018. The intimate, low-cost event will be limited to twenty...