atcaphilly2016 Tag

“Major frolicking”–Ben Franklin

Or something like that (Ben knew how to have a good time). He was doubtless thinking of ATCA’s 2016 annual conference, slated for Philadelphia, April 6-10, 2016. The host hotel is the Marriott Courtyard on Juniper Street, across from City Hall, at $149 a night. Five...

ATCA freshens its excom, chooses San Francisco for 2017

NEW ORLEANS - Brad Hathaway (San Francisco Bay area), Martha Steketee (NYC) and Ed Rubin (NYC) were today elected to three-year terms on the ATCA executive committee, and Charles Giuliano to a one-year term. Rubin and Hathaway have been on the excom before; Seketee and Giuliano are newcomers. Welcome aboard! Giuliano, Hathaway, Steketee, Rubin Coincidentally,...