ATCA operations and programs are managed by a series of committees, task forces, and groups defined by the elected executive committee and comprised of members of the executive committee and members at large in good standing.
If you are a member of a committee you will see a link to a discussion forum for that committee in the sub-menu in the column to the left. Please contact operations if you do not see all your your committees listed.
It might be helpful to review the link below on forum use:
In general, the forums operate like mid-level bulletin boards of yore. The menu above each post includes basic HTML-driven styling options (bold, italics, colors, fonts and more) which you can use if you are familiar or want to learn. Or not. Plain text posts are fine, too.
An overall guidance metaphor is that the forum channel is like an old library card catalog. Each drawer is a topic and each post is a card in that topic. So start new topics when they are logical.
Part of the purpose of using this system is to allow people to join and catch up or review on their own speed as necessary. If topics are logically arranged, then a new member will not have to stroll through one log string to find the posts on website redesign. By way of example, the main forums for the Steinberg and Primus play reading groups are arranged by playwright so people can post comments in the logical place and others looking for comments on that play can find them and add their own. Anyone in the group can add new topics as needed.
Don’t forget to subscribe to your forums. Subscribing allows you to receive automatic notifications of new posts on a daily basis that resets at approximately midnight Pacific time. Click here to request assistance.