2022-2023 Executive Committee election and leadership results
New York — ATCA Executive Committee Leadership ratification after the June 2022 electronic election took place during the July 11, 2022 monthly meeting. Installation of leadership and membership of various ATCA committees will be finalized soon.
The 2022 Executive Committee electronic voting process opened on June 22, 2022 and concluded on June 28, 2022. ATCA selected three members — David John Chávez was elected to his second full three-year term, Maren Scriven Swensen, who completed a one year term left after a resignation, has been elected to her first three-year term, and Kitty Drexel was elected to her first three-year term. All formally joined the six continuing members Cameron Kelsall, Amanda Finn, Chris Byrne, Bill Hirschman, Elizabeth Kramer, and Lauren Van Hemert.
Kelundra Smith completed her three-year term, and will continue as an active member of the ATCA Belonging, Equity, Inclusion & Diversity (BEID) committee she co-founded in 2018.
David John Chávez was re-elected chair and Cameron Kelsall was re-elected vice chair by the Executive Committee at the July 11, 2022 meeting.
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