ATCA Blogs from the Colorado New Play Summit in Denver, Feb. 11-14
Below is our first attempt at a group blog from an ATCA gathering, with the most recent posted on top. These were all we had time for in three very busy days.

As the CNPS broke up Sunday, it actually snowed in Denver, thoughtfully providing a gentle transition for those of us headed back to the snow-girt East.
What a grand weekend it was, the kind to make a theater addict want to return every year. In this, it’s like the Humana Festival, which is fitting, since the Denver Center Theater has hopes of growing it into what you might call Humana West – or perhaps even of turning the Humana into CNPS East.
As at Humana, one of the chief pleasures is the easy and ample interaction with the actors and other theater people. Nor is the CNPS yet overrun with masses of critics or visiting artistic directors. There were even fewer of those than planned, since the snow closed some eastern airports on Feb. 10-11.
We happy few critics who did make it (about 25) got to play a supportive role, with four featured in a well attended Saturday afternoon panel discussion of “Critics and New Work,” expertly and unobtrusively moderated by Jim Steinberg. If we can pull it off, we might have some video clips in a week or so, as we continue to develop the capabilities of this new website.
— Chris Rawson
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