ATCA/O’Neill echoes still to come
Monday morning — The heavens opened today, as if in copious regret that the critics had left New London. Or gratitude, perhaps. It rained as we arrived on Tuesday and Wednesday, then gradually cleared to the glories of the last few days, so it all feels satisfyingly cyclical.
The official conference ended yesterday noon, though a few of us stayed for the Russian project (see below) and the traditional O’Neill barbecue. Then the over-stuffed (I mean gustatorily speaking) conference chair (that’s me) rolled gratefully into his bed to sleep 12 hours, catching up on what he’d missed during the pell-mell conference itself. To give the New London Radisson its due, they were very helpful as I settled up ATCA’s bills. Now it’s time to head home, but I expect others will send in posts for this blog in the days ahead, so check back.
— Chris Rawson, Pittsburgh
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