Back to Manhattan; Excom election; dues going up . . .
* ATCA returns to NYC Nov 3-5, thanks to Sherry Eaker, Martha Steketee, Jonathan Mandell, Scott Bennett, Wendy Mathis Parker and others. Email Sherry with suggestions .
* Excom seats are up for election using the new system, combining in-person and mail (for description, click below).
* In July membership renewals, dues go up to $100 (equals just $19.14 in 1974, when ATCA was founded). See your May 31 eBlast for the reasoning.
* Videos of two panel discussions at the NY conference last fall have particular relevance to the current Tony nominations (see your eBlast). Note the panel on sound and projection design: coincidentally (or not?!) the sound design Tony returns next year.
New Election System, 2017
Members interested in running for the Executive Committee should email Election Czar Russell Warne. We have three seats open: incumbents Charles Giuliano and Lou Harry are running for re-election and a third is wide open because Wendy Rosenfield is cycling off. If you are interested, send Russell your name, primary professional affiliation, current town, preferred phone and email. Include a concise statement about why you want to run for the office, a bit about yourself, and any plans or priorities you have. This will be emailed to the entire membership around June 10.
On June 16, at the first general membership meeting at the San Francisco conference we again ask if any other members wish to run. Up through the second (and final) general membership meeting June 18, we accept additional nominations. We then introduce all the candidates who are present to make their statement and we read the statements of those candidates who are not present. No votes will be taken at the conference.
June 20-22: We ask the previously announced candidates if they wish to update their candidacy statements and we ask the new candidates for written candidacy statements, both sets of which will be emailed to the entire membership.
June 23 or 24: Email ballots go out to entire membership for voting, with instructions. Everyone votes through Russell’s secure voting email system which sends a unique link to each email address and doesn’t allow people to vote twice.
June 30: Reminder eblast to vote.
July 5: Voting closes about two weeks after the conference (two weeks is the July 4th weekend). Russell tabulates, perhaps with help from a second person to verify. Winners announced.
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