
Join the Discussion of Amending ATCA’s Bylaws

Eight proposed amendments to ATCA’s Bylaws were submitted to the general membership for discussion in advance of the annual conference in Spring Green, Wisconsin next month.The Executive Committee unanimously decided to foster full discussion and consideration using a combination of online and in-person exchanges. To...

TIME SENSITIVE: International Conference News

The 29th World Congress of the International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT-IATC), which was postponed when the host country withdrew its offer a few months ago due to lack of funding, will now be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. Dates are November 13 through 17, 2018 and...

Workshop for Young Critics in Stockholm

The International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) is organizing a workshop for young theatre critics which will take place from August 23 to 29, 2018 in Stockholm, within in the framework and with the support of the Ingmar Bergman International Festival. You can apply immediately, to be...

International Young Critics Workshop In June

The International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT–IATC) is organizing a workshop for young theatre critics scheduled to be held June 11–17, 2018, in Limoges, France. The program will be undertaken during the Festival International des Écoles de Théâtre, with support from the Théâtre de l’Union, Centre Dramatique...

ATCA committees to strategize in Milwaukee

Thanks to a generous invitation from the Milwaukee Rep, members of our executive and newly formed diversity committees will convene in Wisconsin next month for some serious strategizing. The occasion will be the Rep’s Intersections Summit - a weekend gathering of over 130 artists, educators, and...

Critical debate du jour: The dynamics of a request not to review

A small Philadelphia theater asked critics not to review a short run of a new play that had been fully publicized. Wendy Rosenfield of the Broad Street Review responded; the responses to her increase the interest of all this to theater critics elsewhere. ...

Honoring ATCA at the O’Neill

The copper beech at the O’Neill where ATCA was founded. Foundation ATCA president Jay Handelman writes: The O’Neill Theater Center in Connecticut, where ATCA was founded in 1974 and many of us have attended the National Critics Institute, has started a fundraising drive for bricks that will be...

Read your email: new ATCA Update started, 2017-18 renewal news just out

ATCA’s new weekly Update began July 12, now with 3 issues — a real benefit of membership and one more reason to renew for 2017-18, as you are reminded in an email of Aug.1.  For example, in the July 26 Update, there’s news of several international...

ATCA’s Executive Committee election results are in

The results of the first-ever email-based election of ATCA’s Executive Committee are in and the effort proved a great success. Previous elections were held at the Association’s annual conferences, where only those who could attend (or provided a proxy) could vote. That usually added up...

ATCA conducts first-ever online election for the Executive Committee

This year’s election of the ATCA Executive Committee is being held online for the first time, rather than in person at the annual conference. While proxies were always allowed, generally only members who could attend the conference voted. The bylaws were amended last year to...