
Milwaukee to be add-on to 2012 Chicago conference

If you are taking in some Midwest sights before or after our 2012 Chicago national conference, June 13-17, how about attending a post-conference trip to Milwaukee, June 17-20? Details are only beginning to take shape, but the add-on promises to be worthwhile for those who...

ATCA in Ashland

July, 6-10 — This week ATCA is in Ashland at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for its annual conference. In so far as we can, in between meetings, panels, 8 plays, late night discussions in the Crystal Room of the Ashland Springs Hotel and the attractions of...

Jim O’Quinn, the show must go on

Neither raging fever, pounding headache nor general malaise could keep Jim O’Quinn from delivering his impeccably artistic Perspectives in Criticism speech to ATCA members and their guests, gathered last week in Ashland, OR, for their annual conference at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Jim, a New Orleans Times-Picayune city...

ATCA elects new board; Handelman chosen as chair

jay handelman Jay Handelman, longtime critic for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, was elected chair of the ATCA executive committee during the organization’s annual conference in Ashland, Oregon. Handelman served as chair from 1994 to 1996. He succeeds Pittsburgh Post-Gazette critic Chris Rawson, who served in the position for the...

ATCA selects Chicago for 2012 conference

ASHLAND, OR—The American Theatre Critics Association (ATCA) has selected Chicago as the site of its 39th annual conference, June 13-17, 2012. The ATCA annual conference will be co-hosted by the League of Chicago Theatres and the City of Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture. Rocco Landesman, Chair...

Round the clock in Ashland

Although it’s pretty mellow in beautiful Ashland, the home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, this small mountain town has been the site for an energized ATCA conference.With the OSF’s provocatively contemporary productions of not only Shakespeare, but also Moliere and Gilbert & Sullivan, ATCA members are...

The Bowmer Beam, or, Bowmer in the Park

  Just experienced the remarkable first-ever opening of the Bowmer in the Park tent production of “August: Osage County” — yes, in a tent in Lithia Park adjacent to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR. Why is Bowmer in the Park? On June 15, a...

ATCA in Ashland

The 2011 ATCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE was be at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, July 6-10: there were eight plays to see (4 Shakespeare, 4 not), lively ATCA panels, companionship, a lovely small town full of good restaurants, and the top-notch Ashland Springs Hotel, just a few...

On the way to Ashland

Somewhere on the way westward from Pittsburgh on the multi-leg flight necessary to keep the price down, I saw a placard declaring this National Ice Cream Month. Actually, it’s always National Ice Cream Month for me. But on first encounter with Ashland, it seemed providential:...

Jim O’Quinn to deliver Perspectives in Criticism talk at ATCA’s Ashland conference

Jim O’Quinn is the founding editor of American Theatre, now in its 26th year as the lively house organ of the American regional and not-for-profit theater universe. His articles and reviews have appeared elsewhere, he was a regular theatre reviewer for the now-defunct Manhattan weekly 7 Days, and he...