Convention Hat flying westward . . .
The peripatetic Convention Hat is in the air from Pennsylvania to San Francisco, eager for its annual moment in the photographic sun. Since it was invented by Bill Gale so long ago not even he can remember when, it has been encrusted with some item from each conference in turn, embarrassing the outgoing convention chair, who is forced to wear it, and terrifying the chair of the conference to come. A quick search turned up a few pictures.
Please send me any others you have!
Alan Smason, New Orleans 2015 (left) yields the hat to Howie Shapiro, Philadelphia 2016 (right), while chair Bill Hirschman chortles. Tim treanor, CATF 2013 (West Virginia) is crowned by Jonathan Abarbanel, Chicago 2012. Chris Rawson, O’Neill 2010 (left) and Jay Handelman, Sarasota 2009.
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