Happy 99th, Clara! . . . plus a pitch for ‘Under the Copper Beech’

Tennessee critic and ATCA co-founder Clara Hieronymus just turned 99, occasioning a burst of congratulations from near and far. Tucked among them was a pitch for Under the Copper Beech: Conversa- tions with American Theater Critics (ed. Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, 2004), in which she and other pioneer regional critics Henry Hewes, Larry Devine, Ann Holmes, Elliot Norton, Jay Novick, Ernie Schier, Dan Sullivan, Otis Guernsey and Norman Nadel are interviewed by colleagues including Tish Dace, Jay Handelman, Damien Jaques, Sylvie Drake, Bill Gale, Jeffrey Sweet and Marianne Evett.
If you’re reading this, you should have a copy, and another to give a friend. Order them by sending $15 each, payable to Foundation ATCA, to Chris Rawson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 34 Blvd. Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
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