Hedy Weiss, perspectives in criticism speaker for 2015

It is with great pleasure that I announce that our 2015 “Perspectives in Criticism” keynote speaker will be my Chicago colleague, Hedy Weiss, one of the nation’s senior theatre critics and certainly one of the most feisty. Hedy has been covering theatre, dance and the arts for the Chicago Sun-Times since 1984 and also is a regular contributor to “Chicago Tonight” on our PBS affiliate WTTW-Ch. 11. Her strong opinions have generated several storms of controversy. In addition, she’s maintained her position as a full-time union employee of the Incredible Shrinking Newspaper through perilous times for the Sun-Times and thus can speak with some authority about the changing landscape of media. Hedy will address us on Friday, March 27th. — ATCA chair, Jonathan Abarbanel
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