perspectivesincriticism Tag

Perspectives in Criticism from Adam Feldman, staking a claim

Raven Snook and Adam Feldman at Club 135 by Industrious at 135 West 50th Street, November 8, 2024. Photo by Martha Wade Steketee. New York, November 25 — The ATCA Perspectives in Criticism series had its latest offering November 8, 2024, the first day of the...

Naveen Kumar offers Perspectives in Criticism

Naveen Kumar and David John Chávez at #ATCANY2023 November 10, 2023. Photo by Martha Wade Steketee. New York, December 31 — The ATCA Perspectives in Criticism series added its newest chapter on November 10, 2023, the first day of the ATCA New York City conference "Holding...

Perspectives in Criticism from Helen Shaw, our monster in the audience

Helen Shaw New York, December 30 — The ATCA Perspectives in Criticism series that extends back to 1992 booked its latest session last month, November 11, 2022, the first day of the ATCA New York City conference "Reseated and In-Person". The 2022 speaker Helen Shaw joined...

Hedy Weiss delivers Perspectives in Criticism talk

Hedy Weiss, live and feisty NEW ORLEANS - Often-controversial Chicago Sun-Times critic Hedy Weiss delivered this year’s Perspectives in Criticism lecture, the latest noted speaker in a series going back to 1992 (see the distinguished roster). Lo and behold, she turned out to be a 24x7 workaholic, passionate...

Hedy Weiss, perspectives in criticism speaker for 2015

It is with great pleasure that I announce that our 2015 “Perspectives in Criticism” keynote speaker will be my Chicago colleague, Hedy Weiss, one of the nation’s senior theatre critics and certainly one of the most feisty. Hedy has been covering theatre, dance and the arts...

Playwright Gunderson presents lively Perspectives in Criticism

Louisville, KY — For the first time, a playwright was invited to give the Perspectives in Criticism talk that has been a  feature of 33 ATCA gatherings since 1992. A few snippets of her lively remarks, engagingly delivered, which will continue to stimulate discussion throughout...

Playwright Gunderson stakes out some Perspectives in Criticism

Perspectives in Criticism talk, the 33rd in a series that began in 1992.By Lauren Gunderson, playwrightFor the ATCA National Conference at the Humana Festival, April 3, 2014 (Some history of the 23 year series.) Hello my name is Lauren and I am a playwright and you are room full...

Gunderson to deliver Perspectives in Criticism talk

Playwright Lauren Gunderson will deliver the 33rd Perspectives in Criticism talk at ATCA’s annual conference at the Humana Festival in Louisville, April 3. This is a departure for the series, inaugurated in 1992, which has never featured a playwright except on a panel in 2011. The prolific Gunderson’s “I and You”...