Report on 2023 Steinberg/ATCA and Osborn Award ceremony

In May, ATCA chair David John Chavez and New Plays Committee co-chair Misha Berson were delighted to present the 2023 Steinberg/ATCA and Osborn play awards to the (incidentally, all-female) winners of these prestigious annual prizes. The ceremony was part of the Pacific Playwrights Festival at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa, CA. Many thanks to the gracious folks at South Coast Rep, to Jim Steinberg and the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, and to the members of the New Plays Committee (co-chaired by Cameron Kelsall), for their diligent work in reading, discussing and choosing these honorees. (Note that Suzan-Lori Parks, whose play “Sally and Tom” received a Steinberg/ATCA citation, could not be present at the ceremony but sent a letter of thanks which was read aloud.)
The New Plays Committee invites any ATCA member to consider joining the committee, and all members to be on the lookout for and nominate any new plays for consideration of 2024 awards. The plays nominated should be of outstanding merit and premiere outside of New York City during this calendar year. Please contact mishaberson@gmail.com and cameronkelsall@gmail.com with nominations, or your interest in the committee.
– Submitted by Misha Berson
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