membernews Tag

Back to Manhattan; Excom election; dues going up . . .

* ATCA returns to NYC Nov 3-5, thanks to Sherry Eaker, Martha Steketee, Jonathan Mandell, Scott Bennett, Wendy Mathis Parker and others. Email Sherry with suggestions . * Excom seats are up for election using the new system, combining in-person and mail (for description, click below). * In July membership renewals,...

ATCA member update, July 17

We have lots of projects in the works. If you are not involved, please volunteer. If you have and haven’t been contacted, let me know and we’ll offer you some options. Conferences – Howie Shapiro and Wendy Rosenfield are working on hotels for the annual conference April...

More on Randy Gener attack

To send Randy cards or personal wishes: For ATCA members, his family has requested that mail be sent NOT to the hospital, but to Randy’s home address, which is listed both in our last printed directory (2009) and also under the private Members Directory on the...

Interview with Dan Sullivan

Andrew McGibbon interviews Dan Sullivan (right) and critics seminar at the O’Neill the ATCA co-founder and head of the NCI program at the O’Neill Theatre Center. ...

New members

Bob Schneider, Russell Warne, Mark Dewey, Erin Keane, Steven McKnight. Thursday, July 18, Shepherdstown, WV — New ATCA members at the annual conference at CATF include (left to right), Bob Schneider, New Haven, CT; Russell Warne, Salt Lake City; Mark Dewey, Bluemont, VA; Erin Keane, Louisville; and Steven McKnight, Falls Church, VA. Missing:...