Foundation ATCA

Foundation ATCA elects new board and officers

New York — The Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association held its new year formation meeting on February 4, 2025 and elected new members to the board and a slate of officers. Martha Wade Steketee was elected as president of the non-profit foundation after...

Foundation ATCA elects new board and officers

New York — The Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association held its new year formation meeting on Aug. 14, 2023 and elected new members to the board and a slate of officers. Jay Handelman of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune was re-elected as president of the...

Foundation ATCA seeks input on future project

The Foundation ATCA board is in the initial stages of launching a new project to explore how the Foundation can best use its resources to support the future of theater criticism and arts journalism. The Foundation is looking for ATCA member volunteers to join a...

Foundation ATCA elects new board and officers

New York — The Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association held its annual meeting on Aug. 9 and elected new members to the board and a slate of officers. Jay Handelman of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune was re-elected as president, and he begins his 10th...

Foundation re-elects Handelman president and raises Osborn award

New York — At its annual meeting held on Zoom on August 18, 2021, the Foundation of the American Theatre Critics re-elected Jay Handelman as president for a ninth term. Handelman previously served four three-year terms as an ATCA board member and four years as...

Foundation ATCA launches annual appeal to help it do good

In a recent email appeal, Foundation president Jay Handelman notes its many good works, including scholarships and travel funds for critics, support for new ATCA members, subsidies of mini-conferences, the Osborn Prize for emerging playwrights, etc. This is the time of year for a tax-deductible contribution, especially...

Foundation ATCA’s Board of Directors selected in San Francisco

The governing body of The Foundation of the American Theatre Critics Association consists of the nine members of ATCA’s Executive Committee plus additional members they select. At its meeting during last month’s ATCA conference in San Francisco, the following were selected: Jay Handelman, Chris Rawson, Barbara...

Foundation ATCA raises over $700 during San Francisco conference

As is traditional, the hat was passed - multiple times, as a matter of fact - during ATCASF17 to raise funds for the association’s 501(c)(3) charitable arm, Foundation ATCA. This not-for-profit, tax-exempt charitable corporation provides financial support for programs to benefit the American theater in...

ATCA elects new leadership

There were no barricades in the streets. With the sweetness of demeanor for which theater critics are famed, the ATCA executive committee elected Jonathan Abarbanel (Chicago, its new chair. Then the overlapping board of Foundation ATCA elected Jay Handelman (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) its new president. More info on brief press release to...

O’Neill ATCA scholarships

Catching up: Recipients of ATCA financial scholarships for this year’s National Critics Institute at the O’Neill Theater Center were Paul Hyde of the Greenville (S.C.) News and Andrew McGibbon of West Milford, N.J., who has his own theater site, Congratulations.  Eugene, critic and friend (call it two critics) ...