Join the Discussion of Amending ATCA’s Bylaws

Join the Discussion of Amending ATCA’s Bylaws

Eight proposed amendments to ATCA’s Bylaws were submitted to the general membership for discussion in advance of the annual conference in Spring Green, Wisconsin next month.

The Executive Committee unanimously decided to foster full discussion and consideration using a combination of online and in-person exchanges. To begin, the eight suggestions were sent to the full membership via the ATCA Update on June 17. At the same time, a topic was established in the Member Forum of the ATCA website’s Members Only Area where the discussion has already begun with ten comments as of mid-day June 19.

There will be time set aside during the conference in Wisconsin for in-person discussions, summaries of which will be added to the Member Forum record so that those who cannot attend in person will still be able to follow the consideration. Following the conference, the Executive Committee will consider all the opinions expressed, adopt any changes to the proposals that seem prudent and submit the final versions to the entire membership for an electronic vote which will require a two thirds affirmative count of those responding for passage.

Members can view the eight proposals and the ensuing discussion and add their own views, comments or questions on the Member Forum. It can be accessed by clicking on the Members Only Area box at the top of the column on the right. 

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