A tribute to Joel MarkowitzThe new editor-in-chief of DC Metro Theater Arts, the outlet founded b...Member Milestones-ATCA-January 11, 2018
RICK PENDER | Cincinnati, OHRick Pender has signed a contract with the publisher Rowman & Lit...Member Milestones-ATCA-January 11, 2018
A new ATCA program: ATCA-OH18We’re thrilled to invite ATCA members and their guests to a regiona...Events-ATCA-December 30, 2017
RUSSELL WARNE | Salt Lake City, UTUtah Theatre Bloggers Association (UTBA) held its first fundraiser as...Member Milestones-ATCA-December 15, 2017
Foundation ATCA launches annual appeal to help it do goodIn a recent email appeal, Foundation president Jay Handelman notes i...Foundation ATCA-ATCA-December 15, 2017
Save this date: July 10-15 for ATCA 2018 in WisconsinATCA’s 2018 annual conference will be held July 10-15, 2018 at Am...Events-ATCA-December 9, 2017
Ernie Schier inducted into Theater Hall of FameErnie Schier (1918-99), ATCA co-founder, director of the National Cri...Awards and Honors-ATCA-November 22, 2017
JOEL MARKOWITZ | Washington DCJoel lost his battle with ALS on November 7 in the presence of his fam...Member Milestones-ATCA-November 13, 2017
A few pix from Nov. 2-3 in NYCAs the ATCA gathering in NY ended, everyone headed home to tend to t...Events-ATCA-November 11, 2017
NY conference leaves all exhausted, exhilaratedMore pictures coming (though you can see some now on Twitter at #atca...Events-ATCA-November 10, 2017
N.Y. conference under wayFollow all the action on Twitter at #atcaNY17 For one thing, there’s...Events-ATCA-November 4, 2017
2017.07.19 | ATCA Executive Committee Meeting MinutesATCA Executive Committee Meeting Conference Call | July 19, 2017 DOWNL...ATCA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes-ATCA-November 2, 2017