O’Neill NCI scholarships awarded
Paul Hyde of the Greenville (S.C.) News and Andrew McGibbon of TheAndyGram.com have been awarded the scholships ATCA funds at the National Critics Institute at the O’Neill Theater Center. Here’s the word from Dan Sullivan.
Dear Jay et al at ATCA:
Greetings from the National Critics Institute! Although you’ve left us free to award our ATCA-sponsored summer scholarship to any qualified candidate, I’m especially pleased when it goes an ATCA member.
This year we’ve chosen two ATCA members to share it: PAUL HYDE of the Greenville (S.C.) News and ANDREW McGIBBON, of West Milford, N.J., who directs his own online theater site <TheAndyGram.com>.
For all NCI’s interest in young writers, we’re just as interested in working with journalists who have been out in the world for awhile, especially these days. Without being unduly grizzled, Paul and Andy will help keep our NCI sessions centered on the practical difficulties facing theater journalists in 2013.
Dan Sullivan, Director,
National Critics Institute, O’Neill Theater Center.
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