Author: ATCA

Marianne Evett | ATCA leader and Primus Prize stalwart

Marianne Brish Evett Marianne Brish Evett, who chaired ATCA's Executive Committee in the early 1990s, served as President of Foundation ATCA and for many years on the Francesca Primus Prize committee, passed away several weeks ago due to heart failure at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge,...

Kelundra Smith | A new role at the end of the rainbow

Kelundra Smith Kelundra Smith has contributed leadership and creativity to ATCA from the the moment she joined just a few years ago. American Theatre, one of her publishing outlets for several years (see her recent piece on funding for Black theaters here), has now tapped her...

Critic Spotlight: February 2021

Jerald Raymond Pierce Chicagoland criticPrimary outlet: American Theatre Jerald Raymond Pierce When you took the position as associate editor of American Theatre magazine, what stories did you want to prioritize? I spent about my first five years in Chicago dabbling in stage management, sound design and lighting design. I...

Ed Tracy | Gorilla in the Room and Other Stories

Gorilla in the Room and Other Stories, the first book by ATCA member Ed Tracy, will be published on February 23, 2021. This collection of essays, letters, and other writings are re-imagined as an oncology ward on a Broadway stage, The publication will be available...

Nancy S. Bishop | ATCA member and Chicago girl

Nancy S. Bishop, a Chicago native, arts critic, and ATCA member, and editor-publisher of Third Coast Review, has published Chicago Girl: Essays on the Arts, Politics and Life. The book is part memoir with one section made up of seven essays about growing up in...

Sandy Katz | The life of the party

Sandy Katz Sandy Katz, the freelance theater critic, photographer and travel writer whose ebullient personality and unstinting friendliness made her a memorable part of every ATCA conference, died Jan. 7 after battling kidney and cardiac illnesses for years. Katz, 80, was currently working for and,...

Critic Spotlight: January 2021

Jessica Goldman Houston-area criticPrimary outlet: Houston Press Jessica Goldman Let’s start with the basics. You have worked for the Houston Press for six years, but before that you were up in Calgary doing radio? Yes. We’re originally from Toronto; we moved to Calgary 12 years ago. I was the...

Critic Spotlight: December 2020

Nicole Gluckstern Bay Area Primary Outlet: KQED Nicole Gluckstern Why is it important to cover people who spend their life telling stories? It’s been useful to me to frame it in my mind as us both being storytellers. It just so happens that the focus of my stories tend to be...

#ATCA2020 highlights art and activism

ATCA is making history November 13-15, 2020 by holding its first truly national conference, and holding it online. Unbound by geography, we will be tied together by Zoom and our common interests in theater and the creative people who make it. ATCA2020: The Next Normal, our...

The future of Broadway and touring at #ATCA2020

Brian Moreland Broadway is dark and will not open until June — at the earliest. So how are commercial producers of New York and touring shows  coping, dealing, strategizing and planning during this pandemic? What are they anticipating for the future? How are they holding their...