Author: ATCA

Legendary Nashville critic Clara Hieronymus approaching 98th birthday

A simple question about ATCA’s longtime secretary and distinguished Nashville critic Clara Hieronymus has generated an outpouring of affectionate tributes as she approaches her 98th birthday, July 25. It also reinforces the impact of social media and how we can embrace it. During an ATCA excom meeting, Jay Handelman contacted Evans Donnell via...

ATCA in Ashland

The 2011 ATCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE was be at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, July 6-10: there were eight plays to see (4 Shakespeare, 4 not), lively ATCA panels, companionship, a lovely small town full of good restaurants, and the top-notch Ashland Springs Hotel, just a few...

On the way to Ashland

Somewhere on the way westward from Pittsburgh on the multi-leg flight necessary to keep the price down, I saw a placard declaring this National Ice Cream Month. Actually, it’s always National Ice Cream Month for me. But on first encounter with Ashland, it seemed providential:...

Caldwell Titcomb, original ATCA member, erudite and courtly, dies age 84

Caldwell Titcomb, a familiar presence at many ATCA meetings for decades who had a long career at Brandeis and elsewhere in the Boston area as a critic, composer and professor of criticism and music, died June 13 of complications from leukemia and pneumonia. He was 84. One of...

Critic’s Notebook: My apprenticeship in the regional theater

”Regional theater wasn’t a big turn-on for me when I was a theater student in the late 1980s, early 1990s. Off-Broadway was cool; off-off-Broadway was cooler. Those subscription-based behemoths scattered around the country like giant shopping malls sounded dorky to me… . ” Charles McNulty, theater...

Jim O’Quinn to deliver Perspectives in Criticism talk at ATCA’s Ashland conference

Jim O’Quinn is the founding editor of American Theatre, now in its 26th year as the lively house organ of the American regional and not-for-profit theater universe. His articles and reviews have appeared elsewhere, he was a regular theatre reviewer for the now-defunct Manhattan weekly 7 Days, and he...

Just two weeks to Ashland . . .

ATCA’s Daumier critic prepares to go pen-to-pen with the Bard! Final conference schedule to come shortly (no substantial changes from what was previously announced). ...

Ashland 2011: conference info and schedule

ATCA’s 2011 conference, July 6-10, features the famous, Tony-winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the attractive Ashland and surroundings. The variability of our schedule allows free time during the week. Mornings will include ATCA meetings, theater panels, a session on the digital critic and a Perspectives...

Ashland 2011: annual meeting deadlines approaching

The first deadline for the 2011 ATCA annual conference at the OREGON SHAKESPEARE  FESTIVAL in Ashland, July 6-10, is the early registration date of May 20, after which the fee goes up $10. More important, there are already fewer rooms available at our headquarters, the Ashland...

Commentary: new position papers

In the drop-down Commentary menu (above), a new category, Position Papers, has joined Perspectives in Criticism (the ATCA series that began in 1992) and Criticism in Controversy (newsy battles that start on the Home page before accumulating there). The newest Position Paper transcribes the Perspectives in Criticism panel...