Author: ATCA

Milestones | Weales Gross Maupin Papatola Hathaway and others

Gerald Weales announced his retirement in the Fall, 2010 issue of The Georgia Review with an addendum to his annual “American Theater Watch” essay. His first review appeared in 1955 and he had regular gigs for The Reporter, Drama Survey and especially Commonweal (1968-93)...

Member Milestones | Kuchwara Fark Hook

  Michael Kuchwara, since 1984 drama critic for the AP and thus the most widely disseminated in the U.S., died May 22, age 63. He was an even-handed, well-informed, enthusiastic critic who did the profession proud. Only a sporadic member of ATCA, he...

ATCA Blogs from the Colorado New Play Summit in Denver, Feb. 11-14

Below is our first attempt at a group blog from an ATCA gathering, with the most recent posted on top. These were all we had time for in three very busy days. Some ATCA members at the Denver conference: (left to right, in rear) Jim Steinberg, Chris...

Denver: Looking Back

A few thoughts about the Denver conference, all of them surprises. First, this Floridian found the weather was not half as harsh as I was expecting, although I hear that’s a spin of the roulette wheel. Second, this was as well-run and smooth an event...

Denver: Too Many New Play Festivals?

Few would argue that there are too many new plays, but a case can be made that there are far too many new play festivals, even if they are splendidly-managed affairs such as the DCTC New Play Summit. In March and April alone, one might...

Denver: Crossing the Line?

One joy of the watching new play readings is the electricity of discovery. It’s Saturday morning and day three (or two) of ATCA’s conference at the Colorado New Play Summit. The full staging of the play “When Tang Met Laika” would take a longer entry to...

Denver: The Play(wright)’s the Thing

At a jovial all-comers dinner Friday, Denver Theater Center’s artistic director Kent Thompson introduced all the playwrights in the throng — two whose plays have having full world premieres, four getting well rehearsed readings, several others under current commission, some alumni of previous CNPS’s, and...

Crossing the Mountains to Denver

Because I live in Salt Lake City, I’m probably the ATCA member closest to Denver, yet ironically — and sadly — I’ve only managed to make it over to the Denver Center Theatre once before. That occasion was the monumental RSC production of “Tantalus,” which...

Denver: Theater from Space

I have a thing for intriguing lobby displays, the kind put together for a particular show and that add something to the experience. For last night’s performance of When Tang Met Laika, a play about space flight (among other things) which takes place on the space station...

Denver: Art and nourishment

After our first half-day in Denver, we are already grateful to Rick Pender  (see his post below) and the leaders of the Denver Center Theater for bringing us to the Colorado New Play Summit. The opening attraction was Rogelio Martinez’ ambitious new play, When Tang Met...