Author: ATCA

DC Theater Community recognizes critic “whose love of theater is an inspiration”

(l-r) Tim Treanor and Lorraine Treanor present DC Theatre Scene’s Gary Maker Award to Joel Markowitz with Bruce Markowitz ready to read Joel’s remarks (Photo: James T. Rorke) Each year participating DC area theaters select a member of their audience “whose love of theatre is an...

Dallas Theater Center wins Regional Tony®

New York, NY (May 1, 2017) – The Tony Awards®  Administration Committee has announced that based on the recommendation by the American Theatre Critics Association, the Dallas Theater Center in Dallas, TX, will be the recipient of the 2017 Regional Theatre Tony Award. (For the history...

Linda Winer steps down after 48 years a critic

Linda Winer The rank (not ranks, hardly even one rank) of woman critics takes a huge hit when, after 30 years at Newsday, she leaves on May 12. It’s all about 400-word (and less) limits and not wanting to be clickbait. Read her interview with American Theatre.  ...

Seven weeks to San Francisco

The early registration deadline is gone, but you can still register and book rooms at the Hilton Hotel Union Square. And two deadlines for new members remain in effect to May 1: those who joined ATCA since the 2016 Philadelphia conference may still request registration sponsorship courtesy...

2017 Pulitzer Prizes: Nottage wins for drama, New Yorker theater critic Hilton Als for criticism

Hilton Als April 10 — Announced today: Lynn Nottage’s play “Sweat,” about the American working class, was awarded the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for drama (ATCA’s Wendy Rosenfield served on the drama jury). But the more unusual news is that New Yorker critic  Hilton Als won the prize for criticism, only the second...

Michael Cristofer’s “Man in the Ring” wins $25,000 Steinberg/ATCA Award; $7,500 citations go to Tracy Letts and David Rabe

Michael Cristofer April 8 —- ATCA has selected Michael Cristofer’s “Man in the Ring” as the winner of the 2017 Harold and Mimi Steinberg/American Theatre Critics Association New Play Award, recognizing playwrights for scripts that premiered. The awards were presented tonight by Jim Steinberg and ATCA’s Lou Harry and Bill Hirschman in a ceremony...

Eppler wins 2017 Osborn Award

The American Theatre Critics Association is pleased to announce that Nate Eppler has won the 2017 M. Elizabeth Osborn New Play Award for an emerging playwright. The award will be presented at the Humana Festival of New American Plays in Louisville on April 8. The Osborn Award...

Broadway gets Bette, but ATCA-SF17 gets a real matchmaker

March 27: “Call on Eddy, if your housing budget needs a friend.Just name the kind of room you’d like to share and the scratch you’d pay.Ed will pair you with an ATCA pal for a matching stay.Call on Eddy, if your conf’rence budget needs a friend.”...

ATCA-SF17 Newsletter 3/19/17

The Early Bird Man of Alcatraz… This year’s ATCA conference will be a groovy happening in San Francisco from June 15-18, 2017! You can save yourself half a C-note if you register by April 15, after which the Early Bird Man of Alcatraz jumps The Rock...

Are you going to San Francisco?

JUNE 15-18, 2017 • SAN FRANCISCO •  #ATCA-SF17 The deadline for the discounted “early bird” registration rate has ended. Registration is now $245 for the full conference. The full conference schedule will be published in May.Tickets for select individual sessions and panelswill go on sale in May.  CONFERENCE...