Author: ATCA


Wei-Huan Chen of the Houston Chronicle was recently recognized for his work covering “Nixon in China.” According to the jury committee, “The HGO production employed the use of yellowface and stereotypical representations of Chinese people. Wei’s writing on the controversial aspects was a departure from traditional opera coverage in...

What ATCA is and should be: ATCA chair summarizes the many advantages of membership

We are in the middle of our membership renewal drive, and while this Harold Hill spiel is, indeed, aimed at enticing those who haven’t put renewals high on their “to do” list, this is really a contemplation of what ATCA is and what it should...

ATCA-NY17 approaches, Nov. 3-5; registration still open

Click here or on “Details” under the ATCA Daumier Times Square statue in right column for updated list of activities, panels and participants....

2017 Class of Theater Hall of Fame led by Audra McDonald

NEW YORK (Sept 11) – The Theater Hall of Fame announced today its 2017 class of eight inductees, led by Audra McDonald and including (in alphabetical order) Matthew Broderick, Oskar Eustis, Tina Howe, Arthur Kopit, Marin Mazzie, Daryl Roth and Ernie Schier. The varied list includes three actors, two producers, two...


The Society of Professional Journalists Florida Pro announced winners of the 23rd annual Sunshine State Awards to recognize quality journalism in the best tradition of our profession for the calendar year of 2016. ATCA member and Foundation President Jay Handelman earned first place in Beat Reporting – Arts for...


On the cusp of 96, member Irene Backalenick ( writes: “I no longer get to theater as often as I once did, though I still occasionally review. I have, however, turned to a new genre - poetry - and have recently had my first two books of...

Russian critics denounce treatment of director Serebrennikov

Kirill Serebrennikov The Russian Theatre Critics Association, ATCA’s co-member in the International Association of Theatre Critics, has denounced the arrest of controversial Russian stage/film/opera director Kirill Serebrennikov. Described as “always fresh, unconventional, and truly innovative,” he has been selected to receive the New Theatrical Reality prize this December by...

ATCA speaks on fair comment, theaters’ rights, diversity and cultural competency

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 16, 2017 ATCA has closely followed the controversy sparked by a review of Pass Overby Chicago critic Hedy Weiss and referred members to articles about the controversy on our website. As the only nationwide organization of theater critics and journalists, we believe issues have...

Honoring ATCA at the O’Neill

The copper beech at the O’Neill where ATCA was founded. Foundation ATCA president Jay Handelman writes: The O’Neill Theater Center in Connecticut, where ATCA was founded in 1974 and many of us have attended the National Critics Institute, has started a fundraising drive for bricks that will be...

Join us in New York City! . . . . ATCA-NY17 Conference, Friday through Sunday, November 3-5

The ATCA-NY17 Conference Chair Sherry Eaker and the NY Conference Committee invite all ATCA members to a New York City weekend meeting! Register now — low fees still available. 1.  Follow the journey of a new musical from conception to the Broadway stage with the show’s creators and lead producer   2.  Attend either the Shubert...