Author: ATCA

ATCA writes about CATF (1)

Charles Giuliano of the website Berkshire Arts wins the prize for most immediate (starting 7/22) and fullest (eight stories!) coverage of ATCA’s visit to the Contemporary American Theater Festival. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Sharon Eberson published two pieces (plus a TV report by Chris Rawson), and Dick Kerekes and Lesila Sansom have one on...

Regional theater awards

One of the best established of regional theater awards is undergoing soul-searching. TheatreWashington, which hosts the Helen Hayes Awards, recently convened a community meeting (some 150 participants) to discuss the awards’ future. A summary of the conversation ticks off many topics and points of view that will be recognizable...

To tweet or not to tweet – that is the critical question

You’re leaving a performance you are to review. Your deadline is two days away, but you have a thought you want to share with your followers on Twitter. Or you have a video camera in your cell phone and you can do a stand-up of...

Happy Birthday, Clara!

Clara Hieronymus turns 100 today Clara, a few years ago July 25, 2013 — A founder of the American Theatre Critics Association, Clara was one of the legendary crew who gathered in 1974 beneath a spreading Copper Beech tree at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center. You will find...

Critical kerfuffle greets Lily Janiak

How a young critic on HowlRound wrote “Whose America? … Whose theater?,” a review/commentary on California Shakespeare Theatre — and great is the noise and commentary thereupon, touching on many issues of lively interest. It’s a good read. Lily Janiak * Lily Janiak’s review/commentary with a zesty following string...

Panel on ‘Monetizing Your Website’

To follow up the well-attended session at ATCA/CATF, Mark Lowry, Lorraine Treanor and Bill Hirschman (all here linked to their sites) put together a page on Mark’s site with tips for boosting your online presence. ...

Jason Zinoman, Perspectives in Criticism

Jason Zinoman You had to be there, of course — which was one of his themes. This is all about live theater, after all, and in performance, Jason’s talk was animated and funny, full of impromptu sidebars. But for the basic speech, with its mix of...

Concluding, and the Convention Hat

Schwarzwald Haus, one part of the extensive Bavarian Inn, where most ATCAns stayed. Shepherdstown, WV, July 21 — Yesterday was packed. In addition to the Perspectives in Criticism talk by Jason Zinoman and the reorganization of the ATCA executive committee and the Foundation board, we saw two more plays, including...

ATCA elects new leadership

There were no barricades in the streets. With the sweetness of demeanor for which theater critics are famed, the ATCA executive committee elected Jonathan Abarbanel (Chicago, its new chair. Then the overlapping board of Foundation ATCA elected Jay Handelman (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) its new president. More info on brief press release to...