Author: ATCA

New curator for growing ATCA archives at Ohio State

The ATCA archives in the Lawrence and Lee Theatre Research Institute at The Ohio State University have a new curator, Dr. Beth Kattelman. She succeeds long-time curator Nena Couch who has stepped up to Director of Special Collections at OSU’s newly-renovated Thompson Library. Thompson Library at OSU The Lawrence and Lee Theatre Research Institute...

Gerald Weales, 1925-2013

Gerald Weales, a sagacious scholar of theater and a lively, judicious critic, passed away Aug. 30, age 88. He served with distinction in World War II, earned a Ph.D. at Columbia, taught for some 30 years at the University of Pennsylvania, was critic for 25...

Michael Feingold: ‘Critic and Worker’

It’s a paradigm: Michael Feingold, one of the very finest American theater critics (George Jean Nathan Award, twice a Pulitzer finalist) loses his tenured (one would have thought) seat at the Village Voice and reappears with a twice-monthly column in TheatreMania — print to web, the...

Interview with Dan Sullivan

Andrew McGibbon interviews Dan Sullivan (right) and critics seminar at the O’Neill the ATCA co-founder and head of the NCI program at the O’Neill Theatre Center. ...

2013 Hall of Fame ballot

The ballot will be in mail soon, and ATCA members make up the largest part of the electorate. Watch for it, and please give it your attention and vote. This is one of the responsibilities and pleasures of ATCA membership. ...

ATCA writes about CATF (1)

Charles Giuliano of the website Berkshire Arts wins the prize for most immediate (starting 7/22) and fullest (eight stories!) coverage of ATCA’s visit to the Contemporary American Theater Festival. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Sharon Eberson published two pieces (plus a TV report by Chris Rawson), and Dick Kerekes and Lesila Sansom have one on...

Regional theater awards

One of the best established of regional theater awards is undergoing soul-searching. TheatreWashington, which hosts the Helen Hayes Awards, recently convened a community meeting (some 150 participants) to discuss the awards’ future. A summary of the conversation ticks off many topics and points of view that will be recognizable...

To tweet or not to tweet – that is the critical question

You’re leaving a performance you are to review. Your deadline is two days away, but you have a thought you want to share with your followers on Twitter. Or you have a video camera in your cell phone and you can do a stand-up of...

Happy Birthday, Clara!

Clara Hieronymus turns 100 today Clara, a few years ago July 25, 2013 — A founder of the American Theatre Critics Association, Clara was one of the legendary crew who gathered in 1974 beneath a spreading Copper Beech tree at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center. You will find...

Critical kerfuffle greets Lily Janiak

How a young critic on HowlRound wrote “Whose America? … Whose theater?,” a review/commentary on California Shakespeare Theatre — and great is the noise and commentary thereupon, touching on many issues of lively interest. It’s a good read. Lily Janiak * Lily Janiak’s review/commentary with a zesty following string...